Monday, October 27, 2008

Experpt From My Journal, Four-Years Aged


 Social naïveté is empowering.  It is blindness with a smile.  We all appreciate it, yet disparage it when we find it.  We never appreciate it publicly until after.

 Life, technique, savvy.  Things that make things interesting.  Perhaps intrigue is the spice of life, not variety.  Variety as such seems tiresome, not spicy.


 When a saying just barely makes sense, but the barely is so powerfully aromatic, you cannot help but to suspect that truth has come round.

 When a saying makes sense entirely, there is nothing more to learn, so we shrug and say, “Aint it the truth.”  But that’s not truth, which is just why we say that.

 Truth implies discomfort, challenge, disturbance, a demand for change.  Without those things, we have only common sense which, as we all ought to know, is not truth in any substantive sense.


 These aphorisms of mine swirl.  That is because they gather interest but aren’t necessarily true or useful.  They are my entertainment; they elicit the right emotions; the ones I’m after in situations of this kind.


  Why does wine help me think straight?  I think it must be because it aids in the stripping off of social accumulation, gained throughout the day.  It helps me become the recluse that, deep down, I long to be. 

 Why do I long for such?  Because it smells so nice…I smell things I don’t otherwise smell.


 Aromas are everything to me.

 And ultimately it all breaks down to an acceptance of the saying:  All there is is this stuff (holding out my hand).

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